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==> Land/Country="AL"   Bundesland/State="Berat"
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==> 5 Einträge gefunden / entries found

National Park of Mount Tomorri - Mali Tomorit

AL- Berati (near) (Berat)

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Info Telefon: +355 68 239 5162

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
With a surface of 4.000 hectares the Park is situated in the east of the museum city of Berati. With its peak of 2415,7m above the sea level, the Mountain of Tomori gives the impression of a giant natural castle. The natural beauties of the park are evident in every season of the year.
The kind of activities to carry out here is winter sports, climbing, trekking and pilgrimage. Every year at the end of August, thousands of ‘pilgrims’ climb at the Masjid of Kulmak, housing the grave of the religious leader Abaz Aliu, to carry out the religious rites of Bektashian Sect.


Gallery “Eduard Lear”

AL-5001 Berat (Berat)

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Info Telefon: +355 32 32 027

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
open each day

National Ethnographic museum Berat (ex: The Museum of Ethnography)

L.13 Shtatori
AL-5001 Berat (Berat)

Google Maps

Info Telefon: +355 32 32224

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Tues-Sun: 9°°-13°° and 15°°-18°° h.
From May to September, visiting hours are: 8.00-13.00; 16.00 – 19.00 h.

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
"This museum was inaugurated in 1979. it includes Berat region and southern Albania folk ethnographic culture. The museum is placed in a three-century two storey building, typical for Berat area.
The ground floor has a hall with an imitated medieval street with traditional shops on both sides. The antiquity pavilion and objects used to process olives are placed in this hall.
In the second floor, there is an open balcony to receive guests. The archive, the loom, the village sitting room, the kitchen and the city sitting room come in a row in this floor. Many original massive and functional objects of our folk culture area on the outside space of the museum.
" (Picture and text: Albanian Tourism)


National Museum ''Onufri'' (ex: The Museum of Iconography ''Onufri'')

AL-5001 Berat (Berat)

Google Maps

Info Telefon: +355 32 32 248

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
8.00-16.00, closed at Mondays
From May to September, visiting hours are: 8.00-13.00; 16.00-19.00 h

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
"The National Museum Onufri is located in the center of the inhabited quarter in Berat medieval castle. This museum contains a rich iconografic collection and some religious service items. It is organised in Virgin Mary cathedral, built in 1797 on the foundation of an older church with the same name.
It bears the name odf the most remarkable albanian painter, Onufri, who left a very rich fund of iconographic creation.
This museum complex of the main nave, the altar area, and a serious of auxiliary one-storey rooms in the north and two storey ones in the west. The construction is distinguished for its high altitude, representing an important version of the cult architecture in the period from the 13 th to the 19 th century.
The museum has three main halls, where the best works of the above mentioned and others authors are displayed.
Apart from the icons exhibited in the museum, the icon placed in the golden church iconostasis, made by the painter Joan Cetiri, comprise a particular series.
Some textile and metal objects are displayed in glass cases, which give evidence of a very high level handicraft tradition of Berat region." (Picture and text: Albanian Tourism)

The Castle of Berat

AL-Berat Berat (Berat)

Google Maps

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
The fortified town of Berat lies on a rocky hill 187 m high, which stands on the riverbank of Osum that is restricted with the last bank of the river from the hill of Gorica, and forms a strait, which connects the inner mountainous part with the widest Albanian field of Muzeqe. The strategic position of this town was valuated from the antic time that's way the two hills were fortified. During the middle age on the northern hill was developed a town, whose fortifications formed an octagon that surrounded a surface of 9,6 ha. The walls were built on antic bases, which were formed by big carved stone blocks placed in horizontal rows. The surrounding wall was reinforced from 24 towers; it has a main entrance and three other secondary entrances. In front of the main entrance there is a fortified yard. In the upper part of the hill there is the citadel, which is reinforced by five towers. Inside the citadel there is separated with a wall, a castle for a feudal family. In the centre of the citadel there is a big cistern completed with buttresses and arcades. Other protective buildings that belong to middle age are two walls that come down from the citadel up to the riverbank including a surface of 6 ha. The middle age walls keep constructive phases from the X century up to the beginning of the XIX century. Berat was declared a Museum Town in 1960. It is composed of three quarters. The Castle quarter, which is inside the surrounding walls of the castle, where are well preserved a number of Byzantine and post Byzantine castles of the XIII-XVIII century decorated with frescos. Two other quarters are those of Mangalem and Gorica, which lay on both sides of the river that passes in the lower part of the town and have buildings of the XVIII-XIX century. There are also some mosques that belong to the XV-XVIII century.

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