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==> Land/Country="AL"   Bundesland/State="Dibra"
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==> 2 Einträge gefunden / entries found

National Park of ''Lura''

AL-- Dibra (Dibra)

Google Maps

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
With a surface of 1.280 hectares it is situated in the eastern side of the mountain massive of “ Kunora e Lures”. Its 14 icy lakes offer picturesque and attractive environments at an altitude of 1.350-1.720 m. Among the many lakes the one that stand out are the Big Lake 32 hectares, Lake of Pines 13 hectares, Black Lake 8 hectares and Lake of Flowers 4 hectares. In winter these lakes freeze. In the southern part of the park there is a meadow called “Field of Mares” which offers a relaxing view, since its vegetation is miscellaneous with multi-color flowers and full of coniferous trees. This park offers various possibilities for developing eco-tourism, winter sports, equitation, horse riding etc.
Established by a decision of the Council of Ministers of Albania in 1966, The park has an average altitude of about 1350 m.a.s.l. From the Krej-Lura village in the north up to the Pela peak in the south there is a coniferous forest consisting mainly of pine.


National Park of ''Zall Gjocaj''

AL-- Mat, near Burrel (Dibra)

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Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
It has a surface of about 140 hectares and is situated approximately 40 km in northeast of the city of Burrel. It offers a very picturesque view and good possibilities for developing the echo-tourism. The presence of numerous sources and system of ravines make it more beautiful.
Therefore there is a typical plant kingdom of mountain areas: lack pine and beech. Very attractive are the old woods of 150-200 years old with giant shape and view dressed with ivy plants, moss and mushrooms. Among the animals here, we can mention the brown bear, wolf, fox, wild pig etc.

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