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==> Land/Country="AL"   Bundesland/State="Durrës"
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==> 10 Einträge gefunden / entries found

Archaeological Site of Albanopoli

AL-- Zgerdhesh (Durrës)

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Archaeological site of Albanopoli

AL-- Zgerdhesh (Durrës)

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Museum of Gjergj Kastrioti Scanderbeg

Fortress of Kruja
AL-- Kruja (Durrës)

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Info Telefon: + 355 532 2225

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
9.00- 13.00 and 15.00-18.00, closed at Mondays
From May to September, visiting hours are: 8.00-13.00; 16.00 – 19.00 h.

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
" The National Museum ’George Kastriot Skenderbeu’ was inagurated on 1 November 1982.It is built in the famous fortress of Kruja, capital of Arber state and personification of turkish armies defeat for three successive times in the 14-15 th century.
Many objects, original documents and bibliographies, authentic reproductions that depict clearly albanian people history in the 15 th century.
The museum counts such pavilions as antiquity and early middle age pavilion, albanian princefom pavilion, pavilion of ottoman invasion and resistance to this invasion, medieval fortress pavilion, albanian resistance, Scanderbeg’s office equipment and library, prince’s hall and pinacotheque and the last one is the heritage and echo pavilion.
Objects of ceramic, bronze, iron, copper, several facsimiles, original icons, writing, a bell of 1942, orgininal sword of the 15 th century, etc, are displayed in these pavilions." (Picture and text: Albanian Tourism)

National Ethnographic Museum

Fortress of Kruja
AL-- Kruja (Durrës)

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Info Telefon: + 355 532 22 25

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
9.00 – 13.00; 17.00 – 18.00h, closed at Mondays

From May to September, visiting hours are: 8.00-13.00; 16.00 – 19.00

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
"Nationa Etongraphic Museum Krujë was inagurated on 20 november 1989. It is placed in an characteristic urban building of 1764. this building is a first class culture monument. Its 15-16 rooms and the objects exhibited out-side give a complete view of the crafts applied in Krujë and all over Albania and of the way of living since 300 years. 90% of this museum items are original and 100% are funcional. Items of ceramics, wood, stone, iron, cotton, silk and wool and various emborideries are exhibited here with finesse. These objects have an age varying from 60-70 to 500 years." (Picture and text: Albanian Tourism)


National Park of The pass of Shtama - ''Qafe Shtama''

AL-- Kruja (near) (Durrës)

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Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
The Park has a surface of about 2.000 hectares and is situated at about 2 km in northeast of the town of Kruja. In general the view of this Park is 360 degree and picturesque. Here we can mention the fountain of “Mother Queen” with pure, cold and curative water. Many people frequent this area for its high curative values as well as the landscape it offers. On the north border there is a recreation center. Attention is paid to the development of tourism where attractive are the lakes situated near the Park, at its northern part.

There are possibilities here for developing the echo-tourism, curative tourism (for diseases of respiratory ways), climbing etc.

The Castle of Kruja

AL-- Kruja (Durrës)

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Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
The castle of Kruja is located on the top of a hill 604m high, which is divided from a deep gorge of the Sarisalltic Mountain . Kruja is firstly mentioned in the year 879 as a bishopric center. In 1190 Kruja has been the centre of a principality, which was reigned by a local emperor, called Progoni. In 1253 an other Albanian called Gulam handled the castle to the Emperor of Nikea, Johan the III Vatace, who recognized some main right and privileges to the inhabitants. In 1359 is reigned by the Albanian emperor Karl Topia. In 1415, Kruja was occupied by the Turkish conqueror, while in 1443 won its freedom with Scanderbeg and became the main resistant centre of his war towards the Turkish occupier. During the period of Scanderbeg the Town of Kruja was surrounded three times by the Turkish, but without success. In 1450 it was attached by sultan Murat and after him from Mehmet the II in the years 1466 and 1477. Only after 10 years after Scanderbeg death in 1478 Kruja was finally occupied by the Turkish conqueror. From the surrounding walls remained only few traces. The walls 800 m long surrounded an irregular surface. As far as the architectonic remains are concerned the most important of them is the castle in the upper part of the rocky hill, from which is preserved a Byzantine tower 16m high, which later, during the XVII-XVIII century was used as a clock tower.

Amphitheatre of Durres

AL-2001 Durres (Durrës)

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Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
one of the biggest in the Balkan Peninsula with a capacity of 15 to 20 thousands spectators, an Early Chrystin Crypt with rare wall mosaics etc.

The Archaeological Museum of Durres

AL-2001 Durres (Durrës)

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Info Telefon: +355 52-22253

Träger/Financial provider:
the Institute of Archaeology. Tirana

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
9- 17.00, closed each Monday and Tuesday!

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
It was founded on 1951 with objects gathered after War World II in the town. Systematic research for over 50 years added to this collection a great variety of objects (now over 20.000). The museum presents the life of this ancient town from its foundation until the Middle Ages and is organized according to a combined chronological/ topical criterion.

The Exhibition of Folk Culture

AL-2001 Durres (Durrës)

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Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
8.00-13.00 h each day

The Mosaic of Arapaj

AL-2021 Arapaj (Durrës)

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Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
To be seen only with special permit.

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