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==> 4 Einträge gefunden / entries found

Ruins of Bylis

AL-- Hekal (Fier)

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Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
It is one of the most important Illyrian towns in our country. It has a surface inside the antic surrounding walls of 30 ha. (IV- III b.c). From the antic period are partly preserved the surrounding walls, the theatre, the boulevard (Soa) etc. During the antic period the town has its own money, while athletes from this town has taken part and have won prices in the Olympic games. During the Justinian period (519-565), the town was reduced in 11 ha. The defense wall of Justinian is well preserved even now. There are of great importance five basilicas built in the V-VI century on the floors of which are painted mosaics of a great artistic level. (c)DatabaseVCMSMünchen06


Historical Museum

AL--9305 Fier (Fier)

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National Park of The pine of Divjaka - Pisha e Divjakes

AL-9022 Divjaka (Fier)

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Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
With a surface of about 1.250 hectares it is situated 5 km far from Divjaka and about 40 km from the center of the city of Lushnja. At the same time this park is a part of the complex called Lagoon of Karavastaja, an area since 1994 under the protection of the International Convention of Ramsar. The park is one of the most important ecosystems of the entire Albania.
A typical representative of the ecosystem is the curl pelican (pelicanus crispus), and about 6,4% of its entire population nests in the Lagoon. Karavastaja is the furthest western point of nesting of this sort of bird in Europe.
In this Park there are a lot of possibilities for developing eco-tourism, blue- tourism, sportive hunting, bird watching, fishing etc.

The Archaeological Museum of Apolonia - Fier Archaeological Museum

AL-9302 Apolonia (Fier)

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Träger/Financial provider:
the Institute of Archaeology. Tirana

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
It was founded in 1958 in the monastery's surroundings, which is within the territory of the ancient town and was reconstructed on 1985. It gives a broad information on the all aspects of life of this town, which together with the monuments discovered in the center of the town give a complete understanding if its historical development.


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