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==> Land/Country="AL"   Bundesland/State="Kukës"
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- Nicht alle Länder und Museen sind bereits über Google map anzeigbar.
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==> 1 Einträge gefunden / entries found

National Park of The valley of Valbona - Lugina e Valbones

AL-8701 Bajram Curri (near) (Kukës)

Google Maps

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
It has a surface of about 8.000 hectares and is situated 25-30 km in northwest of the city of Bajram Curri. It expands among high mountains and shows off a fantastic complexion of colors in every season, thus giving the image of a valley full of labyrinths and surprises. Its scientific, tourist and health recovering values are combined with a bio-diversity of national and international importance. Its rocky and attractive peaks, the sides covered with wood, the flow of brooks and river Valbona, viewed from above, create the image of a giant and marvelous crater as a small panorama of natural beauty.
The nature of this park is full of varieties suitable for tourism, fishing, relaxation, amusing and mountain climbing as well as winter sports. In the inner part of the Park there are a lot of grottos and caves. The most eminent is the Cave of Dragobia, where lay the remains of Bajram Curri, a national hero.


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