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==> Land/Country="AL"   Bundesland/State="Lezha"
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==> 2 Einträge gefunden / entries found

The historical City Ruins

AL-- Lezha / Lezhé (Lezha)

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Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
It is one of the most important towns of the antic and middle age period, which values pas obviously the borders of the Albanian territory. The antic town takes a surface of 22 ha, staring from the top of a hill on the backside of the modern town and goes up to the riverbank of Drin , that passes through the town. The walls, made of high blocks with a height of 4m, dated in the VI-III century B.C., divide the town in three main parts: Acropolis, the middle town, and the protected zone of the port. The town was refortified in the Cesar period, which built a new dividing wall in the middle town, with doors and alcoves to stay the garrison. During the middle ages the town played an important role for the protection of the Byzantine Theme of Durres and the Norman-Byzantine battles. There are well preserved also the walls of late antiquity, mainly in the lower part of the town, of the early middle age and that of the Venice period.


The National Museum of Scanderbeg's Grave

AL-- Lezha / Lezhé (Lezha)

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Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Tues-Sun 9.00-13.00; 15.00 – 18.00 h

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
"The memorial was inaugurated on 23 november 1981. the most important element is the building of Saint Nicholas Cathedral itself, which is at the same time the seat of Lezha Assembly on 2 march 1444 and the grave of our national hero George Kastriot Scanderbeg on 17 january 1468.

Important elements preserved today in this church are: Saint Nicolas original fresco, the church apse, the three windows and the original church door, the arch over the door and an original church decoration.
This museum has also the outer sector, the archaeological environment with objects from Lezha ancient and medieval period, found around the museum." (Picture and text: Albanian Tourism)


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