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National Memorial on the Vítkov Hill

U Památníku 1900
CZ- 13000 Prag / Praha 3 (Praha / Prag)

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Aqua Viva spol. s r.o. Spa Museum

Pod Stepem 9a/1231
CZ-10200 Prag / Praha 10 (Praha / Prag)

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Kontakt / Contact:
Fax.: +420 272 650 645

Info Telefon: +420 272 650 645

Natural History Museum – Bird-ringing station

Hornomecholupská 34
CZ-10200 Prag / Praha 10 - Hostivar (Praha / Prag)
 Kinderfreundliches Museum / suitable to children

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Kontakt / Contact:
Fax.: +420 271 961 256

Info Telefon: +420 271 961 256

Träger/Financial provider:
National Museum

Archaeological Museum of the Prague Region

Horowitzké nam. 13
CZ-11000 Prag / Praha 1 (Praha / Prag)

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Kontakt / Contact:
Fax.: +420 224 821 111

Info Telefon: +420 224 576 330

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Tues-Sun 10-17 h CopyrightDBVCMSMuc2007

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
Findings from Stone age to early medieval times.

Klöster in diesem Ort / Monasteries in this city Historische Hotels / Historic hotels

Arts and Crafts Museum Prague - Rudolfinum

ul. 17. listopadu 2
CZ-11000 Prag / Praha 1 (Praha / Prag)

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Kontakt / Contact:
Fax.: +420 251 093 296

Info Telefon: +420 251 093 111

Klöster in diesem Ort / Monasteries in this city Historische Hotels / Historic hotels

Bedrich Smetana Museum

Novotného lávka 1
CZ-11000 Prag / Praha 1 (Praha / Prag)

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Kontakt / Contact:
Fax.: +420 222 220 082

Info Telefon: +420 222 220 082

Träger/Financial provider:
National Museum

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
WED-MON: 10:00-12:00 and 12:30-17:00
CLOSED: every Tuesday

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
Life and Work of Composer Bedrich Smetana (1824-1884). Visitors will find here exhibits of Smetana's manuscripts, correspondence and other historical papers as well as pictorial documents, original personal objects and pictures and innovatively arranged historical theatre costumes. There is a unique posibility to listen with the help of special light baton to various from the music stands containing documents of the most important works of Smetana.

Klöster in diesem Ort / Monasteries in this city Historische Hotels / Historic hotels

Beer Museum U Fleku

Kremencova 11
CZ-11000 Prag / Praha 1 (Praha / Prag)

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Kontakt / Contact:
Fax.: +420 224 934 805

Info Telefon: +420 224 934 019-20

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Monday to Friday 10am – 4pm, (reservations required). Saturdays and Sundays the tour is conditioned by dining in the restaurant. Reservations required.

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
In 1999, to celebrate the 500th anniversary of beer production in the Brewery “U Fleku”, the brewery museum was newly opened in the former malt house building. The renovated exhibition area is home to samples of brewery machinery, tools and tanks. The museum also shows the old history of beer production in Prague. The most interesting part of the museum is a Renaissance room where malt used to be dried by means of hot smoke from burning wood. The museum perfectly matches the romantic setting of the Brewery “U Fleku” and thus enhances its unique atmosphere.

Klöster in diesem Ort / Monasteries in this city Historische Hotels / Historic hotels

Casa Santa Treasury

CZ-11000 Prag / Praha 1 (Praha / Prag)

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Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Tues.-Sun. 9.00-12.15, 13.00-l6.30 h

Klöster in diesem Ort / Monasteries in this city Historische Hotels / Historic hotels

Ceremonial Hall

U starého hrbitova 3
CZ-11000 Prag / Praha 1 (Praha / Prag)

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Klöster in diesem Ort / Monasteries in this city Historische Hotels / Historic hotels

City Gallery Prague - Golden Ring House

Týnská nam. 6
CZ-11000 Prag / Praha 1 (Praha / Prag)

Google Maps

Info Telefon: +420-224 827 022-4

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
daily except Mondays 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
The current complicated layout of the Golden Ring House arose from the constructional unification of two separate medieval houses. The cellars and the corridor on the first floor with the original barrel vault are preserved from the early Gothic period of building development. In this corridor there are also fragments of wall paintings from the end of the 15th century. The wooden painted decking ceilings with Renaissance themes date from the 16th century. The newel staircase, small oval skylight and Renaissance barrel vault come from the period of rebuilding in about 1609. The entry portal with the house sign was adapted changed in the 19th century.

The Gallery acquired use of the building in 1990. The permanent exposition of Czech art from the 20th century from Gallery collections was opened in 1998, and the reading room is open to the public on the 2nd floor.

The Reading room is for on-site reading only. It offers interested persons the possibility studying professional literature, an extensive range of exhibition catalogues and professionals magazines on the subject of fine art. It is available either as part of viewing the exposition or independently - entrance is free. The foundation of its collection comprises of catalogues and publications referring to works of artists, whose works are included in Gallery collections, or artists that the Gallery had exhibited and had published a catalogue for.

In the rear wing there is the Týn literary café, which is available not only for Gallery visitors.

Klöster in diesem Ort / Monasteries in this city Historische Hotels / Historic hotels

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Middle East Heritage



35 Euro sparen

35 Euro sparen

Ab Herbst 2024 bieten wir das deutsch-englische Fachwörterbuch für Kulturgut KONSERVATIVe auch als eBook von
2.900 Seiten DIN A4


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