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==> Land/Country="PL"   Bundesland/State="Wielkopolskie / Großpolen"
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==> 28 Einträge gefunden / entries found

Museum of the People from Bamberg, Germany

ul. Mostova 7
PL- Poznan / Posen (Wielkopolskie / Großpolen)

Google Maps

Info Telefon: +48 61847 4354

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Fri-Sat 10-14 h

Klöster in diesem Ort / Monasteries in this city

Wilson Park (Botanical Garden)

ul. Glogowska
PL- Poznan / Posen (Wielkopolskie / Großpolen)
 Kinderfreundliches Museum / suitable to children

Google Maps

Info Telefon: 865 89 07

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
The park was created in 1834. From 1903 to 1925 it was a botanical garden. The Palm House was built in 1929 and it is one of the biggest of its kind in Europe. In the years 1983-92 it was completely rebuilt and expanded. Today there are some 17,000 plants of 700 subtropical and equatorial species growing inside it.

Klöster in diesem Ort / Monasteries in this city

Botanical Garden

ul. Jaroslaw Dabrowskiego 165
PL-60594 Poznan / Posen (Wielkopolskie / Großpolen)
 Kinderfreundliches Museum / suitable to children

Google Maps

Info Telefon: 841 15 18, 847 58 54 ext. 1,3,

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
1st May till 31st October, 9am-7pm (in autumn till dawn).

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
The Botanical Gardens are a research and teaching division of Adam Mickiewicz University, considered to be one of the most modern and beautiful gardens of its type in Europe. Covering more than 22 hectars, it contains an imposing cillection of over 7,000 species and varietes of plants from almost every climate zone of vegetation around globe. The display is arranged in separate departments: ornamental plants, geography, ecology, systematics, biology and changeability of plants.

Klöster in diesem Ort / Monasteries in this city

Old Zoological Garden

ul. Zwierzyniecka
PL-60814 Poznan / Posen (Wielkopolskie / Großpolen)
 Kinderfreundliches Museum / suitable to children

Google Maps

Info Telefon: (+48-61) 847 23 97, 848 08 47

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
daily 9-dawn

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
The oldest zoological Garden of Poland (1874) is presenting 5 ha about 250 species.

Klöster in diesem Ort / Monasteries in this city

Wielkopolski Park Zoologiczny / New Zoological Garden

ul. Krancowa 81
PL-61048 Poznan / Posen (Wielkopolskie / Großpolen)
 Kinderfreundliches Museum / suitable to children

Google Maps

Info Telefon: (+48-61) 877 35 17

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
daily 9-dawn

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
The Zoo founded in 1967 shows on 120 ha (!) about 300 animals of 600 species.

Muzeum Archidiecezjalne

ul. X Posadzego 2
PL-61108 Poznan / Posen (Wielkopolskie / Großpolen)

Google Maps

Military Museum at Poznan Citadel

Cytadela Poznanska, al. Armii Poznan
PL-61663 Poznan / Posen (Wielkopolskie / Großpolen)

Google Maps

Info Telefon: +48 61 820 4503

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Tues-Sat 9-16 h, Sun and Holidays 10-16 h

Muzeum Rzemiosl Artystycnych / Museum of Works of Art

Gora Przemylowa 1
PL-61768 Poznan / Posen (Wielkopolskie / Großpolen)

Google Maps

Info Telefon: +48 61 852 2035

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Tues-Sat 10-16 h,
Sun 10-15 h.

City Museum Poznan

Stary Rynek 1
PL-61772 Poznan / Posen (Wielkopolskie / Großpolen)

Google Maps

Info Telefon: +4861 856 80 00

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Monday, Tues, Fri 10-16 h
Wed 12-18 h
Sun 10-15 h

Literary Museum Henryk Sienkiewicz

Stary Rynek 84
PL-61772 Poznan / Posen (Wielkopolskie / Großpolen)

Google Maps

Info Telefon: +48 61 852 2496

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Mon-Fri 10-17 h. Groups are to be announced in advance!

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