Museum, Parks & Zoos / Museums, parks & zoos
==> Land/Country="PL" Bundesland/State="Lubelskie / Lublin"
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==> 15 Einträge gefunden / entries found
Muzeum J. Czechowicza
ul. Narudwicza
PL-20004 Lublin
(Lubelskie / Lublin)
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Muzeum Lubelskie / The Lublin Museum
ul. Zamkowa 9
PL-20117 Lublin
(Lubelskie / Lublin)
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Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Wed-Sat 9-16 h,
Sun 9-17 h.
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
Paintings, Popular art and icons, presented in the old Lublin castle.
Muzeum Martyrologii / Former concentration camp Maajdanek
ul. Droga Meczenników Majdanka 67
PL-20325 Lublin
(Lubelskie / Lublin)
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Kontakt / Contact:
Tel.: 74-426-48; 74-426-49
Fax.: 74-405-26
Info Telefon: (0 81) 74-426-40; 74-426-47
Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Tues-Sun 8-17 h,
in wintertime 8-15 h.
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
The State Museum at Majdanek was established in the autumn of 1944 on a part of terrain that belonged to the concentration camp. The Museum was granted its legal status of a central state institution in accordance with the law issued by the Parliament on July 2, 1947.
The basic objective of the Museum consists in preservation and maintenance of the existing camp objects, collection, scientific study and publication of materials on the history of the camp and its branches, and the Lublin Region during World War II, as this region played a major role in the long-range political-economic plans of the Nazi Germany. The Museum also collects modern art.
Muzeum Wsi Lubelskiej / Lublin Open-Air Village museum (Skanzen)
al. Warszawska 96
PL-20824 Lublin
(Lubelskie / Lublin)
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Info Telefon: 081 533-85-13
Besucher-Email: skansen@skansen.lublin.pl
Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
daily April 1st - April 30th from 9.oo to 17.oo h,
May 1st - September 30th from 10.oo to 18.oo h,
October 1st - October 31st from 9.oo to 17.oo h,
November 2 - December 23 on Mondays, Saturdays and Sundays from 9.00 to 15.00 h,
From January 2nd to March 3rd the visit is available to be booked by phone (0-81) 533-85-13.
The last visit to the museum must start one hour prior to closing time. Group visits to the museum are available with guide only. Time needed for visiting the whole museum: 2 hours. The group may not exceed 30 people.
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
In its activity the Lublin Open Air Village Museum covers the area of approximately the Lublin Voivodeship as it was before the administrational reform of 1975. It comprises entirely or partially geographic regions such as: Lublin Upland, Roztocze, Polesie Lubelskie, Podlasie, Mazowsze and Sandomierz Valley each of them clearly differing from each other either geographically and ethnographically. Due to this the Museum exhibition was divided into seven sectors - Lublin Upland, Roztocze, Vistula River region, Podlasie, Bug River region as well as manor and town sectors.
Today accessible to the visitors are: wholly the Lublin Upland sector, a part of the Roztocze sector including the Greek-Catholic church from Tarnoszyn, the manor sector with the manor house from Zyrzyn (mid XVIIIc.) housing the exhibition featuring life of a middle class landed proprietor, opened in January 2001. The exceptionally picturesque Powisle sector has been made accessible for walking since June 2001 where although the interiors of the exhibited buildings have not yet been furnished, traditional Vistula River boat rides upon the Museum's pond are available. At the same time as the Powisle sector its first building was opened for visits - the firehouse from Bedlno featuring on one hand the equipment of the District Fire Brigade from Bedlno in 1936 and on the other hand housing a stage and an auditorium for village theatre according to the cultural and educational role the DFB played in the villages which was often a part of its status. On September 8th, 2002 consecration of the 17th century church from Matczyn took place. The church along with the presbytery from ¯eszczynka and the granary from Wrzelowiec have been the first to appear objects of future Little Town Sector.
Muzeum Poludniowego Podlasia / Museum of Southern Podlachia
u. Warzawska 12
PL-21500 Biala Podlaska
(Lubelskie / Lublin)
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Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Mon closed.
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
The rests of the former Rdziwill castle contain a library, a cultural centre and the museum.
Museum Chelmskie
PL-22100 Chelm
(Lubelskie / Lublin)
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Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Tues-Fri 10-16 h
Sat+Sun 11-15 h
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
Regional museum.
Muzeum Przyroda - Former Synagogue and Polesie Natural Park Exhibition
ul. Gagarina 7
PL-22200 Wlodawa
(Lubelskie / Lublin)
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Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
IMPORTANT: Changing opening hours.
Poleski National Park
ul. Chelmska 7, ul. Lubelska 3 A
PL-22234 Urszulin
(Lubelskie / Lublin)
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Kontakt / Contact:
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
Poleski National Park was founded on May 1, 1990, in the western part of the Leczynsko-Wlodawska Plain, which is located in the center of Polesie Lubelskie. The plain itself lies between the valleys of the Wieprz River and the Bug River. The Park protects the environment, which is typical in eastern Poland. Its total area is 9,759 ha, and of this area some 428 ha, including the nature reserve Bubnow Fen (Bagno Bubnow), remains under strict protection. Approximately 65 km of tourist trails invites visitors to tour the Park.
Peatbogs, meadows and forests predominate among the vegetation formations of the Park. Forests occupy 4,131 ha of the Park area, including 110 ha remaining under strict protection. Approximately 930 species of vascular plants have been found in the Park. Among some 170 rare species, 57 have been protected. The rare plants that are found in the Park include 6 species of club-mosses, 3 species of sundew, 15 species of orchid, as well as globe flower, lousewort and irises. Poleski National Park is unique in Europe because of simultaneous presence of a large number of plants typical for a northern climatic zone (for example northern birch tree and Laponian willow) and for an Atlantic zone (for example three species of sundews, aldrovanda, scheuchzeria and water nimfoil).
An abundant fauna inhabits the Park. Among the living creatures inhabiting this place, humble invertebrates are richly represented. It has been ascertained that approximately 180 species of rotifers, including 16, which have never been found in Polish fauna before, 64 species of cladocerans, and 35 species of copepods, live in the Park. Three relict species of ants are the most interesting among the rich group of insects. The waters of the Park are inhabited by 35 species of fish and reptiles including rare lake minnows. Turtles, which used to be typical of this region, and fire-bellied toads, are the most interesting among the amphibians and reptiles of the Park. The mammal species noted in the Park include ermine, otter, elk (North American - moose), beaver, and large predators such as wolves.
The avifauna of the Park is particularly rich. 146 bird species nests here, among them the hen harrier and red-legged falcon, are endangered species. Some 15 other species, including great snipe, short-eared owl, bluethroat, redshank, lesser spotted eagle, black stork, scarlet rosefinch, crane, tattler, curlew, aquatic warbler and Montagu's harrier are considered to be rare. Approximately 30 % of the Polish population of aquatic warbler live in the habitat of the Bubnow Fen (Bagno Bubnow). The protection of this area, together with the protection of the Biebrza Marshes and of several smaller regions in Western Poland, may be essential for the survival of aquatic warbler on the entire European continent.
Roztocze National Park
ul. Plazowa 2
PL-22470 Zwierzyniec
(Lubelskie / Lublin)
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Kontakt / Contact:
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
Roztoczanski National Park was established on May 10, 1974. Its total area is 8,482 ha. Zwierzyniec, considered to be a Pearl of Roztocze, is a tourist center located close to the park's northern border. It occupies buildings of the Zamojski estate as well as a historical church located on an island.
This Park was created in order to protect spruce, beech, oak, and linden forests, as well as to preserve rare species of plants, including the aconite monkshood (Aconitum variegatum) and the Astragalus onobrychis, which represent the mountainous flora.
The slopes and the summits of the limestone hills are covered by 19 types of forests, among which the most precious are fir-tree woods (Abietetum polonicum) and Carpathian beech forests (Dentario glandulosae Fagetum). On the northern part of the Park the limestone soil encourages a special type of oak forest (Potentillo albae Quercetum). Some low-lying and damp land has produced streaks of mixed wet forest (Querco Piceetum). The swamp forest (Vaccinio uliginosi Pinetum) has developed in some acidic habitats. The swamp forests are often bordered by moorgrass woods (Molinio Pinetum). On the dry land, especially at the base of the dunes, a new pine forest (Vaccinio myrtilli Pinetum) grows. A large part of the Park's forest area is covered by a mixed forest (Pino Quercetum), where pine reigns over oak and beech trees.
In some stream valleys, small strips of alder swamp (Carici elongatae Alnetum), as well as marshy meadows fringed with alders (Circaeo Alnetum) and patches of transient peatbog (Rhynchosporetum albae) may be found.
Vascular plants of the Park are represented by over 750 species. In addition to the Central European species, there are representatives of numerous mountain plants, as well as northern steppe and Atlantic varieties. Some species are covered with an absolute protection, as for example Allium victorialis, Petasites albus, Galium rotundifolium, Polygonatum verticillatum, D. glandulosa, C. cava, O. militaris, A. ursinum, A. victorialis, L. martagon, Cimicifuga europaea, Cypripedium, A. variegatum, and G. ciliata.
The Roztoczanski National Park offers numerous attractions to visitors. While admiring the plant life and beautiful loess valleys, they might encounter wild animals such as stags, roe deer, wild boars, tarpans and wolves. In recent years, the animal population of the Park has been enriched by the introduction of two mammal species. In 1979, the European beaver, the largest of the country's rodents, was brought here, and in 1982 the descendant of the wild forest horse (the Polish pony) was introduced into the Park.
Ornithologists recognize about 200 species of birds including the spotted eagle, osprey, white-tailed eagle, buzzard, goshawk, sparrow, hawk, kestrel, and wood grouse. The Echo Ponds are the habitat of various water birds, such as coot grebe, moorhen, duck, black stork, white-backed crane, as well as grey-headed and black woodpeckers.
Among the reptiles one can find aesculapian snake, smooth snake, grass-snake, sand lizard, and viviparous lizard. Amphibians are represented by the salamander, and by the smooth and crested newt. Numerous frogs include hut toad, common European, green and fire bellied toads, common spade foot and European tree frog.
Muzeum Kazimierza Dolnego / City Museum in the Celej Palace
ul. Senatorska 11/13
PL-24120 Kazimierz Dolny
(Lubelskie / Lublin)
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Kontakt / Contact:
Fax.: (081) 8810104
Info Telefon: (081) 8810104
Besucher-Email: celejowska@kazimierz-muzeum.pl
Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Tues-Sun 10-16 h
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
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