Museum, Parks & Zoos / Museums, parks & zoos
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==> 10 Einträge gefunden / entries found
Museum of Wooden Architecture of the Region of Siedlce
Nowa Sucha,
PL-07110 Grebkow
(Podlaskie / Podlachien)
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Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Tues-Sun 10.00 - 15.00 h
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
The main building of the complex named Museum of Wooden Architecture of the Region of Siedlce is a big larch wood manor house built in Sucha in 1743 on the initiative of Ignacy Cieszkowski - the castellan of Lithuania. The museum is situated in the district of of Grêbków, between the town Grêbków and the village Kopcie, by the river Kostrzyn, in the vicinity of a vast area of pools and woods cut across by a unique larch alley.
Guests comming to the museum can admire its interior with furniture comming from various epocs and inspired by numerous styles - mainly the 19th c.. The walls are embellished with paintings - mainly nobles' portraits, landscapes, watercolours, drawings, sculpture and pieces of applied art.
The manor house is surrounded by old woods. Its manor farm is now replaced by a complex of wooden houses specific to the region of Siedlce.
Muzeum Okrygowe / Regional museum
Rynek Kosziuszki 1
PL-15432 Bialystok
(Podlaskie / Podlachien)
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Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Tues-Sun 10-17 h
Muzeuzm Kanalu Augustowskiego - Augustow Navigation
ul. 29 Listopada 5a
PL-16300 Augustòw
(Podlaskie / Podlachien)
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Info Telefon: +48 (0) 87 - 6432360
Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Tues-Sun 9-16 h
Wigry National Park
Krzywe 82
PL-16400 Suwalki
(Podlaskie / Podlachien)
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Kontakt / Contact:
Bialowieza National Park
Park Palacowy 5
PL-17230 Bialowieza
(Podlaskie / Podlachien)
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Kontakt / Contact:
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
Bialowieski National Park is the oldest national park in Poland and one of the oldest in Europe. It was founded as "Reserve" Forestry in 1921 but officially established as National Park in Bialowieza in 1932. In 1947 it was restored as the Bialowieski National Park. At one time the property of Polish kings, the Bialowieskie Forests have survived in an almost unaltered form. It is without a doubt the most valuable, natural area in the lowlands of entire Europe. Located on the watershed of the Baltic and Black seas, this immense forest range consisting of evergreens and broad-leaved trees is the home of some remarkable animal life including rare and interesting mammals. Total area of the park, which was 5,348 ha, was nearly doubled in 1996 up to 10,502 ha. The Park comprises about one tenth of the entire Bialowieza Primeval Forest, which has a wide range of flora and fauna typical of both western and eastern Europe. The Bialowieskie Forests are among the World Biosphere Reserves in Poland. Since 1979, as the only Polish monument of nature, Bialowieski National Park has been inscribed on the World Heritage List.
The main feature of the Park is its forest. The Park protects a part (4,747 ha - a strict reserve) of the last and one of the largest surviving areas of European primeval lowland mixed forest (pine, beech, oak, alder and spruce). The forest dates back to 8,000 BC and is the only remaining example of the original forests, which once covered much of Europe. One third of the Bialowieza is located in Poland with the remainder in Belarus, and the border area is marred by plowed strips and barbed-wire fencing.
Hornbeam-oak-lime forests of the Park, which also contain spruce, as well as spruce and linden forests, all boast majestic, 400 year old maple, elm and ash trees. Plant life here is extremely diverse (over 1,200 species) with many unique specimens including the exceptionally interesting mountain arnica (Arnica montana).
The Park's animal life totals 11,000 species including 62 species of mammals and 200 species of birds. These wilderness areas are inhabited by some 300 European bison (a species which has been reintroduced into the park in 1929), elk (North American - moose), stag, roe deer, wild boar, lynx, wolf, fox, marten, badger, otter, ermine, beaver and numerous bats. It is also a show place reserve for tarpan (the Polish wild forest horse). Bird species include the black stork (Cioconia nigra), Pomeranian eagle (Aquila pomarina), tawny owl (Strix aluco), crane and raven.
Bialowieza is an important scientific and educational center with a museum. The Bialowieska Glade, where a palace for the Tsar was built near the end of the 19th century (while this part of partitioned Poland did belong to the Russian Empire), is now the center of tourism in this area; it is equipped with a hotel, restaurant and parking areas. A tour of this Park is an excellent opportunity for the picture-taking tourist.
National Park Bilowieza Primaeval Forest / Belaveskaya Pushcha / Belovezhskaya Pushcha / Puszcza Bia³owieska
Park Palacowy 11
PL-17230 Bialowieza
(Podlaskie / Podlachien)
Google Maps
Kontakt / Contact:
Tel.: 0-85 68-12-360
Fax.: 0-85 68-12-306
Info Telefon: 0-85 682-9700
Besucher-Email: bpn@bpn.com.pl
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
"This UNESCO World Heritage Site and Biosphere Reserve lies in south-western Belarus, in parts of the Brest voblast (Kamianiec and Pruzhany districts) and Hrodna voblast (Svislach district), and near the town of Bialowie¿a in the Podlachian Voivodeship (62 km south-east of Bia³ystok and 190 km north-east of Warsaw) in Poland. On the Polish side it is partly protected as Bialowieski Park Narodowy, or Bialowie¿a National Park, and occupies over 100 km². On the Belarusian side the Biosphere Reserve occupies 1,771 km²; the core area covers 157 km²; the buffer zone - 714 km²; and the transition zone - 900 km²; with the National Park and World Heritage Site comprising 876 km². The border between the two countries runs through the forest and is closed for large animals and tourists for the time being. The security fence keeps the wisent on either side of it genetically isolated from each other." (Wikipedia)
Copyright Bestandteil der Datenbank VCMS München 2007
Natural History Museum
PL-17230 Bialowieza
(Podlaskie / Podlachien)
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Kontakt / Contact:
Ewa Moroz-Keczyñska
Tel.: 0-85 68-12-275
Fax.: 0-85 68-12-306 (116)
Info Telefon: 0-85 682-9702
Besucher-Email: muzeum@bpn.com.pl
Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
in the season (from 15 April to 15 October), weekdays from 9:00 to 16:30 and Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00 to 17:00 h
out of the season - from Tuesday till Sunday from 9:00 to 16:00 h
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
The Natural History Museum of the Bialowieza National Park is an exclusively modern object. It has been designed by group of specialist on the field of nature, architecture and arts. Professionals affirm that this exhibition does not recede avant-garde world solutions.
According to newest trends, contents are presented problem blocks like: forest habitats, predators, human activity. Everything is exhibited with utilization of means of expressive transfer - light, sound and space. Multimedia solutions in transfer of information allow to curious and nice manner acquaint with presented questions.
Architecture of interior on plan of spiral based, effects of day and night.... thanks to that time spent in museum passes very fast leaving memorable impressions.Copyright Bestandteil der Datenbank VCMS München 2007
Narew National Park
Kurowo 10
PL-18204 Kobylin Borzymy
(Podlaskie / Podlachien)
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Kontakt / Contact:
Tel.: (+48 86) 476 48 10, 476 48 11
Fax.: (+48 86) 476 48 12
Info Telefon: (+48 85) 718 14 17, 718 13 91
Besucher-Email: narewpn@net2000.pl
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
Narwianski National Park was established on July 1, 1996, with an area of 7,350 ha. In addition, a buffer zone of 15,408 ha surround the park. The Narew River rises in the Bialowieski Primeval Forest in western Belarus and flows westward through the wooded plains and marshlands.
The mandate of the Park is to protect the wetland ecosystem (5400 ha, 73%) in the natural marshy river valley with its developed system of river channels. Water covers 700 ha (10%) of the whole Park area. The Narew River is one of the last rivers with a natural character found in Poland and all of Europe. It runs through a wide valley with sandy banks that are overgrown with osier. The Park protects the upper Narew River between the villages of Suraz and Zoltki (which is sometimes called "The Polish Amazon"), and neighbouring areas. The upstream part of the Narew River creates an immense valley with flat banks, numerous meanders, and one clear river-bed. From Suraz to Rzedziany there are several river-beds, which make the overflows of Narew and its meanders especially attractive.
There are altogether 52 species of vascular plants including 33 species of rush plants. Forests covers 4% of the entire Park area. About 150 breeding bird species and about 33 mammal species have been found here. There are many bird species one can hardly find in other parts of Europe.
Muzeum Kurpioskie / Open-Air museum (Skanzen)
ul. Zamkowa 25
PL-18414 Nowogród
(Podlaskie / Podlachien)
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Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Tues-Fr 9-16 h,
Sat+Sun 10-17 h.
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
Many buildings, windmills, and spectacular popular art of the region.
Biebrza National Park
Osowiec-Twierdza 8
PL-19110 Goniadz
(Podlaskie / Podlachien)
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Kontakt / Contact:
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
Biebrzanski National Park was established on September 9, 1993. This Park covers a large part of the Biebrza proglacial valley, protecting most of the valley's peatland. The Biebrzanski National Park is the biggest among Polish National Parks. Its total area is 59,223 ha, surrounded by 66,824 ha of the Park protection zone. Within the Park area, wild and cultivated meadows cover some 42,495 ha, forests - 14,863 ha, while waters (972 ha), roads (438 ha), farmlands (299 ha), man-made ditches (125 ha), and buildings (21 ha) cover the remaining area.
The main task of the Park is to protect the variety of species of fauna and flora within the existing ecosystem, including various kinds of peats and peatbogs. An elaborate ecosystem of the Biebrza River valley can exist only if proper water conditions are maintained. This requires that both conservation within the park and adjacent areas, as well as necessary protective measures be implemented in those areas, where man has already influenced the environment.
Water management is of particular importance in maintaining the natural environment within the valley. Therefore, it must include not only the Park and its protection zone, but also the entire Biebrza River basin. It should be aimed at ensuring a sufficient amount of water in the river valley, so that the peatland ecosystems can function properly. This task has been implemented according to the plan, which was defined on the basis of continuous observation of natural conditions in the Park, and studies on the condition of its habitats.
Overall, the protective measures are based upon the natural adjustment processes. The action plan includes the perpetuation of stages of the ecological succession, as well as a planned interference in the negative succession processes and changes in water conditions, which can threaten the biological diversity.
In the Biebrza Marshes 43 plant communities were identified. Of particular interest are those that shape the physiognomy of the Valley, and those which are rarely found in other regions. Among the water communities the Hydrocharito-Stratiotetum (composed of Stratiotes aloides, which is an indicative species of clear and unpolluted waters, and Hydrocharis morsus-ranae), as well as the Myriophyllo-Nupharetum (with Nymphaea alba) are the most interesting associations.
The banks of old river-bends are overgrown with reed associations Scirpo-Phragmitetum with Phragmites communis, Typha latitolia, and Schoenoplectus lacustris. Along the Biebrza river-bed, large areas are covered with reed swamps dominated by Glyceria aquatica. Less common are the reeds composed of Scirpo-Phragmitetum association (with Acorus calamus and Equisetum fluviatile) and the association with Oenanthe aquatica and Rorippa amphibia. Among the reed communities belonging to the same order and class, but to the alliance Magnocaricion, are particulary interesting sedge swamps, which grow in large areas in the Valley. They are dominated by Caricetum Hudsonii association (occurring in the southern basin) and Caricetum gracilis association.
In the immersion-emersion zone, the sedge-moss swamps Peucedano-Caricetum appropinquatae (with Carex appropinquata and Peucedanum palustre) are widespread. The grass swamp Stellario-Agrostietum caninae, dominated by Agrostis canina and Stellaria palustris, is an interesting and declining association in the Valley.
The Biebrza Marshes abound also in forests, mainly bog alderwoods, bog birch forests, river-side flood-plain forests (with black alder and ash), and the pine bog forests. The mineral swells, called grad or gradzik, are numerous among the marshes. They are covered with a mixture of vegetation typical of both forest and open area communities. Many rare plant species grow on the gradzik swells.
Some extremely rare species of plants have found suitable living conditions in the Biebrza Marshes. The pristine character of these marshes allowed the species typical of glacial flora and of the boreal zone to survive here. The most valuable and rarest species are: Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum, Cypripedium calceolus, Orchis incarnata, other orchids Saxifraga hirculus, Polemonium coeruleum, Eriophorum gracile, Senecio paludosus, Trichophorum alpinum, Scolochloa festucacea, Betula humilis, Salix lapponum, Viola stagnina, Potentilla norvegica, and Sweertia perennis.
Breeding avifauna
The fauna of breeding birds of the Biebrza River Valley is characterized by the exceptional biodiversity in comparison to both Polish and Central European communities of birds. In the area of about 1,300 km2 as many as 185 species of breeding birds were recorded. This makes up over 80 % of the entire Polish fauna of breeding birds. This high number is related primarily to the great diversity of landscapes in the Biebrza Valley and the good preservation of all types of pristine wetland and marshland habitats. Interesting species of breeding birds are bittern, little bittern, black stork, greylag goose, teal, wigeon, pintail shoveler, and white-tailed eagle.
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