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Exhibition Hall of Federal State Archives

B. Pirogovskaya ul., 17
RU- Moskva / Moscow / Moskau (Zentralrußland / Central Federal District)

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Kontakt / Contact:
Tel.: (495) 245-1925

Info Telefon: (495) 245-8125

Historische Hotels / Historic hotels Historische Restaurants / Historic restaurants

Gogol Museum

Nikitskij boulevard, 7/7a
RU- Moskva / Moscow / Moskau (Zentralrußland / Central Federal District)

Google Maps

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Tues 14-20 h, Sat 12-18 h

Historische Hotels / Historic hotels Historische Restaurants / Historic restaurants

Gorki Museum

Malaja Nikitskaja, 6/2
RU- Moscow / Moskva / Moskau (Zentralrußland / Central Federal District)

Google Maps

Info Telefon: (495) 290 05 35

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Wed, Fri 12-18.30, Thurs, Sat / Sun 10-16.30 h, closed the last Thur each month

Maiakowskij Muaeum

Lubjanskij pr. 3/6
RU- Moskva / Moscow / Moskau (Zentralrußland / Central Federal District)

Google Maps

Info Telefon: (495) 921 93 87

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Mon, Tues, Fri-Sun 10-18 h, Thurs 13-21 h, closed last Fri each month

Historische Hotels / Historic hotels Historische Restaurants / Historic restaurants

Matrjoschka Museum

Leontjevskij per.7
RU- Moskva / Moscow / Moskau (Zentralrußland / Central Federal District)

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Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Mon-Fri 11-18 h, Sa -17 h

Historische Hotels / Historic hotels Historische Restaurants / Historic restaurants

The Church Museum of St Nicholas

Maly Tolmachevskiy Pereulok, 7
RU- Moskva / Moscow / Moskau (Zentralrußland / Central Federal District)

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Träger/Financial provider:
State Tretyakov Gallery

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
daily except Mondays, from 12:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m.
The Church services take place on special schedule. Entrance through lower lobby.

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
17th to 19th century architectural monument, museum temple. 16th to 19th century icons. The main iconostasis includes late 17th century masterpieces from the Moscow Armoury. 19th century wall paintings. this is temple keeps the great holy icon: Our Lady of Vladimir (12th century).

Historische Hotels / Historic hotels Historische Restaurants / Historic restaurants

The Exibition hall ''White House on Prechistinka''

ul. Prechistinka, 1
RU- Moskva / Moscow / Moskau (Zentralrußland / Central Federal District)

Google Maps

Info Telefon: (495) 202-8495

Historische Hotels / Historic hotels Historische Restaurants / Historic restaurants

The Mirek Russian Accordeon Museum (ex: Accordion museum in the Scientific Library at Moscow State University

Ul. 2 Yamskaya-Tverskaya, 18
RU- Moskva / Moscow / Moskau (Zentralrußland / Central Federal District)

Google Maps

Träger/Financial provider:
Museum of Moscow History

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
10.00-18.00 h.
(c) for all data:VCMS MUC2005ff
Closed: Mondays AND last Friday of the month.

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
The Museum is based on the collection of Prof. Alfred. Mirek. It includes instruments, documents, photos, posters.

Historische Hotels / Historic hotels Historische Restaurants / Historic restaurants

The Museum of the Operetta Theatre

Boul. Dmitrovka, 6
RU- Moskva / Moscow / Moskau (Zentralrußland / Central Federal District)

Google Maps

Kontakt / Contact:
Tel.: 292-6377

Info Telefon: (495) 292-9405

Historische Hotels / Historic hotels Historische Restaurants / Historic restaurants

The Russian Vodka Museum

73G, Izmailovskoye Shosse
RU- Moscow / Moskva / Moskau (Zentralrußland / Central Federal District)

Google Maps

Kontakt / Contact:
Fax.: (495) 166-69-58

Info Telefon: (495) 166-69-58

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
The Vodka Museum was transferred from St. Petersburg to Moscow.

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
"Here you can learn about the 500year history of vodka from its invention till the present day.
The exposition contains one of the first distillation apparatus that people used for vodka production in the 15th century. You will learn about the ingredients and the production process of real Russian vodka.
In the Museum you can enjoy an interesting and informative excursion (English speaking staff) about how vodka has influenced on different events in Russian history. For example, some of the money raised from vodka sales played an integral part in helping Peter the Great carry out his reforms. However, vodka was also the reason behind some lost battles in Russian history. Thus, vodka was always an integral component of Russian culture. There are a lot of historical documents to prove this. At the Museum you can see tsar's orders, works of famous Russian philosophers and writers as well as laws passed by Russian presidents.
The Russian Vodka Museum is a unique one, where visitors are able to sample various types of vodka in the comfort of the bar modeled in the style of a traditional "Traktir" (a bar of the 19th century). There it is possible not only to taste the best types of modern vodka with different flavors, but also to have traditional Russian snacks such as herring with potatoes, pickles, pancakes with caviar and others." (RussianMuseums)


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