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==> Land/Country="RU"   Bundesland/State="Südrußland / Southern Federal District"
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==> 9 Einträge gefunden / entries found

Rostov-na-Donu Zoo

Zoologicheskaya ul., 3
RU-344039 Rostov-na-Donu (Südrußland / Southern Federal District)
 Kinderfreundliches Museum / suitable to children

Google Maps

Kontakt / Contact:
Fax.: (8632-) 32-59-18

Info Telefon: (8632-) 32-27-41, 32-59-18

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
Opened 1927.
* Mammals - 153 spp., 621 specimens;
* Birds - 115 spp., 954 specimens;
* Reptiles - 39 spp., 114 specimens;
* Amphibians - 2 spp., 5 specimens;
* Fishes - 95 spp., 659 specimens;
* Invertebrates - 4 spp., 378 specimens.
Total: 408 spp., 2731 specimens (Russian Zoos)

Volgodonsk Zoo

Park Pobedy
RU-347340 Volgodonsk / Wolgodonsk (Südrußland / Southern Federal District)
 Kinderfreundliches Museum / suitable to children

Google Maps

Info Telefon: (86392-) 2-66-25

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
Opened 1998.
* Mammals - 4 spp., 15 specimens;
* Birds - 2 spp., 4 specimens;
* Reptiles - 16 spp., 23 specimens;
* Amphibians- 2 spp., 2 specimens;
* Fishes - 25 spp., 100 specimens.
* Invertebrates - 9 spp., 38 specimens.
Total: 58 spp., 182 specimens (Russian Zoos)

Krasnodar Zoo

ul. 40-letiya Pobedy, 1
RU-350072 Krasnodar (Südrußland / Southern Federal District)

Google Maps

Kontakt / Contact:
Fax.: (8612-) 57-93-58

Info Telefon: (8612-) 57-93-58, 57-11-76

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
The Center is closed to the public.

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
Opened 1964.
* Mammals - 5 spp., 12 specimens;
* Birds - 62 spp., 280 specimens;
* Fishes - 15 spp., 319 specimens.
Total: 95 spp., 631 specimens (Russian Zoos)

Sochi / Sotchi Zoo

Veseloe, 1
RU-354385 Sochi-Adler (Südrußland / Southern Federal District)
 Kinderfreundliches Museum / suitable to children

Google Maps

Kontakt / Contact:
Fax.: (8622-) 956-17-11

Info Telefon: (8622-) 91-92-50, 42-22-39, 91

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
Opened 24.8.1927.
* Mammals - 12 spp., 2493 specimens,
At the exposition: 9 spp., 692 specimens (Russian Zoos)

Stavropol` Zoo

Komsomol`skaya ul. 113
RU-355000 Stavropol` (Südrußland / Southern Federal District)

Google Maps

Kontakt / Contact:
Fax.: (8652) 26-33-64

Info Telefon: (8652) 26-33-64

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
Opened 21.6.1998. Speciality: breeding and conservation the rare species of reptiles. (Russian Zoos)

Kislovodsk Zoo

ul. Krutaya Doroga, 14-8
RU-357746 Kislovodsk (Südrußland / Southern Federal District)
 Kinderfreundliches Museum / suitable to children

Google Maps

Info Telefon: (86537-) 5-40-20

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
Opened 1982.
* Mammals - 1 sp., 2 specimens;
* Reptiles - 72 spp., 137 specimens;
* Amphibians - 4 spp., 12 specimens;
* Fishes - 4 spp., 8 specimens.;
* Invertebrates - 3 sp. 31 specimens.
Total: 84 spp., 190 specimens (Russian Zoos)

Republican Zoopark ``Nal`chikskii``

RU-360002 Nal`chik (Südrußland / Southern Federal District)
 Kinderfreundliches Museum / suitable to children

Google Maps

Info Telefon: (86622-) 2-68-42, 2-63-90

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
Opened September 1961.
* Mammals - 45 spp., 183 specimens;
* Birds - 65 spp., 213 specimens.
Total: 110 spp., 396 specimens (Russian Zoos)

The National Museum of the Republic of Adygeya

RU-385000 Maykop (Südrußland / Southern Federal District)

Google Maps

Kontakt / Contact:
Tel.: (8772) 57-0587, (87722) 2-4295
Fax.: (8772) 57-0587

Info Telefon: (87722) 2-1893

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
„The Museum was founded in May, 1925 as Adyghe Museum of History and Ethnology. At this time, the museum office was in Krasnodar in Krasnaya street. The Society of Study of Adyghe culture initiated the establishment of the museum. The Adyghe Museum was run by its first director Ibrahim Nauruzov since 1925 through 1935. He had managed to collect the richest ethnographic and historical material. In 1938 the museum moved to the City of Maikop, which had been the capital of the Adgyghe autonomous oblast since 1936. Since the museum of history had been united with the Maikop regional museum of nature (founded in 1909) it was titled the Adyghe Museum of regional studies. During the Nazi occupation of the region (August 1942-January 1943), a large part of museum`s funds was lost, valuable specimen collected by its` first director were plundered. In the next several years the museum`s workers had to manage the re-stocking of funds with new material. The New directress Mean Kutas Azamatova headed the museum shortly after the war ended. She succeeded in collecting authentic Adyghe specimen in the museums of Moscow, Tbilisi and Krasnodar. In May 1950, the museum moved to a renovated office. On March, 23, 1993 the very modern museum was renamed as the National museum of the Republic of Adygeiya. The Museum has the richest collections of archeology materials numbering more than 200 000 of unique Paleolithic specimen.“ (Russian Museums, corrected)

Volgograd State Panorama Museum of the Battle of Stalingrad

Ul. Tschuikova 47
RU-400053 Wolgograd / Volgograd / Zarizyn / Stalingrad (Südrußland / Southern Federal District)

Google Maps

Kontakt / Contact:
Tel.: (8442) 23-67-23

Info Telefon: (8442) 23-72-72

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Summer: from 10:00-18:00 h
Winter: 10:00 -17:00 h.
Mondays closed

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
The nMuseum consists not only of the painted panorama, but also in some outside preserves (Buildings, tanks etc.)
Picture: Russia Travel

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