Museum, Parks & Zoos / Museums, parks & zoos
==> Land/Country="RU" Bundesland/State="Russisch-Fernost / Far Eastern Federal District"
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==> 8 Einträge gefunden / entries found
Blagoveshensk Zoo - Amurskii Zoopark
ul. Lenina, 58
RU-675002 Blagoveshensk
(Russisch-Fernost / Far Eastern Federal District)
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Info Telefon: (4162-) 44-56-45
Besucher-Email: Darman@glasnet.ru
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
Opened 20.8.1996.
* Mammals - 9 spp., 17 specimens;
* Birds - 24 spp., 67 specimens;
* Reptiles - 10 spp., 23 specimens;
* Amphibians - 2 spp., 3 specimens;
* Fishes - 26 spp., 166 specimens.
Total: 71 spp., 276 specimens (Russian Zoios)
Arkhara Zoo, Khinganskii Reserve
per. Dorozhnyi, 6
RU-676740 Arkhara
(Russisch-Fernost / Far Eastern Federal District)
Google Maps
Info Telefon: (2-03) 87-3-33
Besucher-Email: hingan@amur.ru
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
Opened 8.1.88.
* Birds - 7 spp., 25 specimens. Speciality: breeding and reintroduction of rare species of cranes (Russian Zoos)
Yakutsk Zoo
ul. Longinova, 25/3
RU-677008 Sakha, Yakutsk
(Russisch-Fernost / Far Eastern Federal District)
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Komsomol`sk-na-Amure Zoo
ul. Ordzhonikidze, 9-a
RU-681000 Komsomol`sk-na-Amure
(Russisch-Fernost / Far Eastern Federal District)
Google Maps
Kontakt / Contact:
Fax.: (42172-) 4-43-55
Info Telefon: (42172-) 4-43-55
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
Opened May 1990.
* Mammals - 18 spp., 36 specimens;
* Birds - 16 spp., 52 specimens;
* Reptiles - 21 spp., 66 specimens;
* Amphibians - 4 sp., 9 specimens;
* Fishes - 2 spp., 3 specimens.
Total: 61 spp., 166 specimens (Russian Zoios)
Elizovo Zoo - Kamchatskii zoopark
ul. Lenina, 20-A
RU-684010 Elizovo
(Russisch-Fernost / Far Eastern Federal District)
Google Maps
Kontakt / Contact:
Fax.: (41531-) 6-40-03
Info Telefon: (41531-) 6-40-03, 6-27-92
Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
Opened 2.4.83
* Mammals - 33 spp., 124 specimens;
* Birds - 47 spp., 227 specimens;
* Reptiles - 31 spp., 77 specimens;
* Amphibians - 9 spp., 51 specimens;
* Fishes - 42 spp., 323 specimens;
* Invertebrates - 10 spp., 372 specimens.
Total: 172 spp., 1174 specimens (Russian Zoios)
ul. Batareinaya, 4
RU-690600 Vladivostok / Wladowostok
(Russisch-Fernost / Far Eastern Federal District)
Google Maps
Info Telefon: (4232-) 25-59-43
Vladivostok Zoo (Pacific-oceanic Scientific-Research Fishes Center)
tupik Shevchenko, 4
RU-690600 Vladivostok / Wladowostok
(Russisch-Fernost / Far Eastern Federal District)
Google Maps
Kontakt / Contact:
Fax.: (4232-) 25-77-83
Info Telefon: (4232-) 25-59-65
Besucher-Email: root@tinro.marine.su
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
* Fishes - 119 spp., 1213 specimens;
* Invertebrates - 17 spp., 269 specimens.
Total: 136 spp., 1482 specimens. (Russian Zoos)
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Zoo
ul. Detskaya, 4
RU-693001 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
(Russisch-Fernost / Far Eastern Federal District)
Google Maps
Info Telefon: (42422-) 72-45-09, 72-46-66
Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
Opened 1.12.1993.
* Mammals - 24 spp., 84 specimens;
* Birds - 18 spp., 35 specimens;
* Reptiles - 7 spp., 15 specimens.
Total: 49 spp., 134 specimens. Speciality: Sakhalin (Sachalin) fauna. (Russian Zoos)
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