==> Land/Country="UA" Bundesland/State="Oblast Saporischja / Saporiska Oblast"
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- Not all countries and all museums can already be shown with Google maps.
==> 4 Einträge gefunden / entries found
Art Museum
vul. 40 rokiv Radjans’koji Ukrajiny
UA-69000 Zaporizzja / Saporoschje (ex Aleksandrovsk)
(Oblast Saporischja / Saporiska Oblast)
Google Maps
Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Tues-Sat 10-17 h
Historical Museum of the Zaporizhsky Cossacks
Pr Lenina 59
UA-69000 Zaporizhzhya (ex Saporoschje, ex Aleksandrovsk)
(Oblast Saporischja / Saporiska Oblast)
Google Maps
Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Tues-Sun 10-17 h
Historical Museum of Zaporizhsky Cossacks
Chortycja / Khortytsya Island
UA-69000 Zaporizzja / Saporoschje (ex Aleksandrovsk)
(Oblast Saporischja / Saporiska Oblast)
Google Maps
Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Tues-Sun 10-17 h
Regional Museum
vul. Cekistiv 29
UA-69000 Zaporizzja / Saporoschje (ex Aleksandrovsk)
(Oblast Saporischja / Saporiska Oblast)
Google Maps
Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Tues-Sat 9-16 h
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