==> Land/Country="UA" Bundesland/State="Oblast Zacarpattia / Zakarpatska Oblast"
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==> 15 Einträge gefunden / entries found
A. A. Kotska Memorial House-Museum
20 vul. Vinnychna
UA-88000 Uzhhorod / Ungvár
(Oblast Zacarpattia / Zakarpatska Oblast)
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Info Telefon: +38 (03122) 3-06-91
F. F. Manailo Memorial House-Museum
74 vul. Druhetiv
UA-88000 Uzhhorod / Ungvár
(Oblast Zacarpattia / Zakarpatska Oblast)
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Info Telefon: +38 (03122) 3-26-04
Art Museum
pl. Zupanats‘ ka 3
UA-88100 Uzhhorod / Ungvár
(Oblast Zacarpattia / Zakarpatska Oblast)
Google Maps
Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
daily 9-17 h, Tues closed
Museum for Folk Architecture and Household
vul. Kapitul’na 33 a
UA-88100 Uzhhorod / Ungvár
(Oblast Zacarpattia / Zakarpatska Oblast)
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Kontakt / Contact:
Tel.: +38 (03122) 3-72-27
Info Telefon: +38 (03122) 3-63-52
Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
daily 10-18 h, Tues closed
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
„Zakarpattia Museum of Folk Architecture and Household is a distinctive ensemble of Ukrainian national heritage that consists of the architectural gems of an ancient Transcarpathian village as well as specimens of the oldest and most common Kinds of traditional folk arts and crafts. That is one of the first Ukrainian museums to be set up in the open air. It was officially opened in June, 1970.
From the west to the east there are seven farmsteads, six premises, a church, a chapel, a school, a smithy, a windmill, a mortar fullery and an inn. Overall the museum comprises over 14 thousand exhibits.
Zakarpattia Museum of Regional Studies has been operating since June, 1945. Its collection amounts to approximately 110 thousand exhibits.“ (http://www.carpathia.gov.ua/main/en/publication/content/165.htm)
Sakarpatsk Regional Museum
Kremlevskaja ul 33
UA-88100 Uzhhorod / Ungvár
(Oblast Zacarpattia / Zakarpatska Oblast)
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Uzhhorod Castle with Regional Museum
vul. Kapitul’na 33
UA-88100 Uzhhorod / Ungvár
(Oblast Zacarpattia / Zakarpatska Oblast)
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Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
daily 9-17 h, Mon closed
Zacarpattia Museum of Regional Studies
vul. Kapitul’na 33
UA-88100 Uzhhorod / Ungvár
(Oblast Zacarpattia / Zakarpatska Oblast)
Google Maps
Kontakt / Contact:
Tel.: +38 (03122) 3-62-35
Info Telefon: +38 (03122) 3-4-42
Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
10:00 a.m.-18:00 p.m. Day off: Tuesday.
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
„Zakarpattia Museum of Regional Studies: founded in June, 1945. The museum exhibits of about 115 thousand, specimens acquaint visitors with the history and culture of the region. By thematic criterion they are grouped into separate funds, collections, departments:
– Folk Arts Department with especially rich collection of musical instruments
– Spiritual Culture and History of Religion Department;
– Natural studies Department with a peculiar collection of mineral resources, stuffed animals;
– Ethnographical funds accounting more than 2 thousand specimens of folk embroidered cloth;
– One of the largest bronze archealogical remains collection – over 3 thousand articles (dated mostly XIII-XIIth centuries B.C.);
– A rare numismatic collection;
– A collection of fire arms of the XIV-XXth centuries;
– Rare manuscript books.“ (http://www.carpathia.gov.ua/main/en/publication/content/165.htm)
Historical Museum
18 vul. Holovna
UA-89300 Svaliava
(Oblast Zacarpattia / Zakarpatska Oblast)
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History Museum at the Castle
vul. Palanok, Palace Palanok
UA-89600 Mukacheve / Mukachevo
(Oblast Zacarpattia / Zakarpatska Oblast)
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Kontakt / Contact:
Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Daily 9-18 h. Monday closed.
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
"Mukacheve History Museum is located in the town castle „Palanok“, one of the few that has survived hard times.
Palanok is one of the most valuable historical and military – architectural monuments of the XIV-XVIIth centuries. Through centuries it served as a fortress to protect trade and military strategical routes. Over that time the castle belonged to many owners and stood many sieges. The siege from 1685 till 1688 organized by emperial armed forces being the most continued. The fortress was defended by duchess Ilona Zrini.
From 1703 till 1711 the castle was a core of Hungarian national liberation war headed by Transylvanian of count. Ferents II Rakotsi. The rebellious rusyny (Kurutsy) took an active part in it.
The history of the castle (and Zakarpattia on the whole) is reflected in ethnographical history expositions, that of antiquities and natural display units. In 12 chambers there are to be seen numerous paintings including ancient icons. There also are several memorial chambers, as well as a collection of painted Transcarpathian eggs." (“ (http://www.carpathia.gov.ua/main/en/publication/content/165.htm)
Museum for Timber Transportation
UA-90040 Synevyr near Mizhirja
(Oblast Zacarpattia / Zakarpatska Oblast)
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