Museum, Parks & Zoos / Museums, parks & zoos
==> Land/Country="UA" Bundesland/State="Oblast Zacarpattia / Zakarpatska Oblast"
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==> 15 Einträge gefunden / entries found
District Museum “Berehivschyna”
1 vul. Betlena
UA-90200 Berehove
(Oblast Zacarpattia / Zakarpatska Oblast)

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Info Telefon: +38 (03141) 2-21-50
Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Museum of Weaving
UA-90242 Velyki Beregy / Velikie Berega
(Oblast Zacarpattia / Zakarpatska Oblast)

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Kontakt / Contact:
Tel.: +38 (03141) 9-62-89
Info Telefon: +38 (03141) 9-62-23
Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
daily except Sunday
Excursions may be prearranged by phone.
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
„The Weaving Museum is fascinating by its content and extremely interesting by the history of its appearance. It was set up on the initiative of a local school headmaster and his pupils. So all the exhibits are located in the museum room of a secondary school of Velyki Belegy village of Beregovo district. A beautiful collection of ancient embroidery at homespun linen aged more than 130 years. The folk ornaments have preserved the original rich colours. There is also a great number of various irons, clay jars of different shapes and uses together with lots of other household items. But it is ancient spindles and wearer’s looms that may be regarded as the most precious and peculiar museum exhibits. Senior schoolgirls spend hours trying to master the obsolete. Craft of their grandmothers at labour skills classes. Excellent works of pupils are exposed not only in the Weaving Museum, but also abroad in many towns and cities of Hungary, Slovakia, Poland at the request of ethnographic exhibitions organizers.“ (http://www.carpathia.gov.ua/main/en/publication/content/165.htm)
Museum of Local Lore
900-richchia Husta
UA-90400 Chust / Hust
(Oblast Zacarpattia / Zakarpatska Oblast)

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Info Telefon: +38 (03142) 2-23-20
Sriberna Zemlia Museum
2, vul. Prykordonna
UA-90570 Grushovo
(Oblast Zacarpattia / Zakarpatska Oblast)

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Info Telefon: (03134) 53336
Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Prearrangement for excursions by phone.
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
„Sriberna Zemlia Museum is a vivid example of how in our rapidly changing times the culture of our ancesters is being preserved and enriched due to the sheer enthusiasm of one man. The museum occupies three rooms where there is an ample collection of display units grouped into 12 thematic sections. Among dispays there are 65 folios on religious theme and the manuscript of the Gospels written in the XVIIIth century, ancient chalice, an icon that belongs to Zakarpattia school of painting, the first Ukrainian hryvnias, rare stamps of many countries. Besides there are kept more than 200 samples of clothes, mostly Hutsulian, 250 homespun towels, spinning looms with reels, a great number of household goods (tubs, jars, painted plates, berbenychky). Further more while attending the museum you will be able to admire the canvas exhibition of Zakarpattian painter Tegza V.V. who is the owner of the museum. The artist’s paintings present still lives depicting ancient items of household, cult monuments (wooden chapels) and native landscapes.“ (http://www.carpathia.gov.ua/main/en/publication/content/165.htm)
Saltmine History Museum
UA-90575 Solotvino
(Oblast Zacarpattia / Zakarpatska Oblast)

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Info Telefon: +38 (03134) 2-10-06
Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Excursions must be arranged in advance. Call contact by phone.
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
„Museum is situated not far from the saltmine in Solotvyno, one of the biggest saltmines in Europe (salt deposits - 300 million tons, width of the industrial exploitation layer – 300m).Visit the museum and you will get to know all the methods of salt mining on the territory of our region during different historic epochs.
Until the 18th century, till the construction of the first industrial mine, salt from the Solotvyno mine was extracted in a primitive open way: digging regular 20-meter deep, later cone-shape, 150 meter-deep pits. Salt was escalated in buffalo skins and cut into pieces. Each piece had a personal brand and was sent to the royal official. The conditions of work in mines were extremely difficult, whereas the rewards were minimal.
Visit the museum and you’ll have a chance not only to get to know about such interesting historical facts, but also observe the clothes and tools of miners, as well as various mining constructions.“ (http://www.carpathia.gov.ua/main/en/publication/content/165.htm)
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