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==> Land/Country="AL" Bundesland/State="Gjirokastra"
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==> 5 Einträge gefunden / entries found
National Park of The fir of Hotova - Bredhi Hotoves
AL-- Permeti (near)

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Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
With a surface of about 1.200 hectares, is situated in the region of Frasheri, about 35 km in northeast of the town of Permeti. This park forms a giant green crown with apparent contrasts that cause to be very attractive for the visitors.
The animal world is very attractive for its variety of species ranging from the brown bear, wolf, fox, marten, hind and wild pig etc.
Due to beautiful and picturesque nature, healthy climate, pure air and nearness to the urban areas, this Park gains tourists, recuperative and sportive values at every season of the year. The sorts of tourism to carry out are echo-tourism, champing, excursions etc.
The Archaeological Site of Antigonea
AL-- Saraqinisht

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The Ruins of Archaeologic Site of Adrianapol
AL-- Sofratike

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The Castle of Gjirokastra with Museum of Weapons
AL-6001 Gjirokastra

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Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
"The historic town of Gjirokastra, in the Drinos river valley in southern Albania, is a rare example of a well-preserved Ottoman town, built by farmers of large estate. The 13th-century citadel provides the focal point of the town with its typical tower houses (Turkish kule). Characteristic of the Balkan region, Gjirokastra contains a series of outstanding examples of kule, a type of building which crystallized in the 17th century. But Gjirokastra also features some more elaborate examples from the early 19th century. The kule has a tall basement, a first floor for use in the cold season, and a second floor for the warm season. Interiors feature rich decorative details and painted floral patterns, particularly in the zones reserved for the reception of visitors. The town also retains a bazaar, an 18th-century mosque and two churches of the same period.
Justification for Inscription
Criterion (iii): The old city of Gjirokastra is an exceptional testimony to a long-lasting, and almost disappeared society and life-style, influenced by the culture and tradition of Islam in the Ottoman period.
Criterion (iv): The historic town of Gjirokastra is a rare example of a well-preserved Ottoman town, built by farmers of large estates, around the 13th-century citadel. The architecture is characterized by the construction of a type of tower house (Turkish ‘kule’), of which Gjirokastra represents a series of outstanding examples. " (UNESCO)
Gjirokastra (Argirokastron) is firstly mentioned in the historical recourses in 1336 as a citadel and as a town. During the second half of the XIV century was a property of the aristocratic family of Zeneviseve. For the importance of the town speaks even the declaring of the Turkish empires as a main center of the Albanian Sanxhak, which includes in 1431 the territories from Cameria in the south up to the river Mat in the north. The citadel is the origin of this town. From this castle have come out first the bazaar and later, the neighborhoods of the town, a process that has taken a long period of time, starting from the second half of the XIV century. The actual view of the castle is from the period of Ali Pasha Tepelena who has rebuilt it during 1812-13, time in which was built even the system of utilities for bringing and distributing water 7 km long. The majority of the buildings of the historical center preserved up to our days belong to the XVII-XIX century. In the town are well preserved except the houses and the bazaar a number of engineering and cult monuments.
The Ethnographical Museum
AL-6001 Gjirokastra

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