National Park of ''Thethi''
AL-- Bjeshket e Namuna

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Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
Situated in the Albanian Alps, near Bjeshket e Namuna, 70 km far from Shkodra it has an area of about 2.630 hectares. Through this park flows the River of Thethi, which has an outpouring of about 1000-1300 l/sec. A very interesting natural monument is the waterfall of Grunasi, very charming and picturesque with its water falling from an altitude higher than 30 m. The park is known for its variety of habitats and vegetation.
It is important because it represents the most populated area of lynx-lynx with about 50 principals specie this liable.
There is a tendency of its inhabitants to move towards urbane areas, but during the summer season they return for their holidays, highlighting in this way their efforts for developing the familiar tourism.
National Photo Gallery ''Marubi'' Shkodra
AL-- Shkodra / Shkoder

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Info Telefon: 0 (522)43467
Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Tues-Sat 8.00-16.00 h.
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
"National Photo Gallery ‘Marubi’ was created in 1970 after Gege Marubi donated to the state his personal archive of the three generations with about 150 thousant negatives. There are negatives of different formats from 30 x 40 to 6x 9 in glass slabs, from 1858 to 1959. this is the one of the richest photo galleries in Balkans. One can find here various themes and a variety of figures, such as pashas, viziers, turkish officers and consults of different nationalities; italians, french, austrians, english, russians, greeks, serbs, figures from the first and the Second World War and albanian important figures like: Luigj Gurakuqi, Fishta, Mjeda, Asdreni, Koliqi, Fishta, Poradeci, Migjeni, Azem e Shote Galica, and many other important figures of our national history.
The archive has also many negatives with themes from ethnography, city planning culture monuments, history, market, navigation in Buna, etc. Gege Marubi, the last of Marubi dynasty, was a master of infrared portrait and landscape. Having learned it in France, where he carried out the studies, he was the first to use this process of photo development. This initiative was supported also by other Shkodra Photographers like Shen Paci, who worked in Lezha city from 1924 to 1962. He donated to the state about 70.000 negatives of 18 x 24 and 4 x6 format in glass slabs and celluliod films. Shani, as called by the people was the ‘Highlands photographer’. The material that he donated has various themes as: his famous lanscape, city planning, ethnography, market, sports, many other important themes. Dede Jakova was the youth photographer. This is how Shkodra people called him.
He was also a photo reporter of the time and carried his activity from 1930 to 1959. We discover a series of themes in his fund like history, ethnography, city planning, theater and many other important ones.
Pjeter Rraboshta, who donated about 3 thousand negatives, is also called the photographer of children and various celebrations related to Shkoder from 1959 to 1975. his material is in ‘Laika’ films, 24 x 36 mm.
We could call Angjelin Nenshati with full convintion a follower of Shkoder photographer’s tradition. He donated about 250 photos. His material is in ‘Laika’ films, 24 x 36mm and it starts in 1959 until 1984. his fund includes various topics like school, sports, medicine celebrations, etc." (Picture and text: Albanian Tourism) (c) Teil der Datenbank VCMS München 2008