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==> Land/Country="PL"   Bundesland/State="Swietokrzyskie / Heiligkreuz"
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==> 16 Einträge gefunden / entries found

Muzeum Narodowe / National Museum

Pl. Zamkowy 1
PL-25-010 Kielce (Swietokrzyskie / Heiligkreuz)

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Kontakt / Contact:
Fax.: (0-41) 344-82-61

Info Telefon: (0-41) 344-23-18, 344-40-14

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Tues-Sat 10-16 h

Muzeum Pamiêci Narodowej (wiezienie kieleckie z lat 1939-1956)

ul. Zamkowa 3
PL-25009 Kielce (Swietokrzyskie / Heiligkreuz)

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Info Telefon: (0-41) 342-19-82, 344-35-98

Muzeum Lat Szkolnych Stefana Zeromskiego

ul. Jana Pawla II 25
PL-25025 Kielce (Swietokrzyskie / Heiligkreuz)

Google Maps

Info Telefon: (0-41) 344-57-92

Muzeum Wsi Kieleckiej Dyrekcja

ul. Jana Pawla II 6
PL-25025 Kielce (Swietokrzyskie / Heiligkreuz)

Google Maps

Kontakt / Contact:
Fax.: (0-41) 344-50-08

Info Telefon: (0-41) 344-92-97

Muzeum Zabawkarstwa / Toy Museum

ul. Koœciuszki 11
PL-25310 Kielce (Swietokrzyskie / Heiligkreuz)
 Kinderfreundliches Museum / suitable to children

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Kontakt / Contact:
Fax.: (0-41) 344-48-19

Info Telefon: (0-41) 344-40-78

Muzeum Geologiczne / Geological Museum

ul. Zgoda 21
PL-25953 Kielce (Swietokrzyskie / Heiligkreuz)

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Info Telefon: (0-41) 361-25-37

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
8-15 h

Muzeum Staroytnego Górnictwa Swietokrzyskiego / Mining Museum

PL-26006 Nowa Slupia (Swietokrzyskie / Heiligkreuz)

Google Maps

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Tues-Sun 9-16 h.

Muzeum Starozytnego Hutnictwa Swietokrzyskiego im. M. Radwana

ul. Swietokrzyska 59
PL-26006 Nowa Slupia (Swietokrzyskie / Heiligkreuz)

Google Maps

Info Telefon: (0-41) 317-70-18

Swietokrzyski National Park / Heiligkreuz-Nationalpark

ul. Suchedniowska 4
PL-26010 Bodzentyn (Swietokrzyskie / Heiligkreuz)
 Kinderfreundliches Museum / suitable to children

Google Maps

Kontakt / Contact:
Fax.: (+48 41) 311 51 06

Info Telefon: (+48 41) 311 50 25

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
The Swietokrzyski National Park was established on May 1, l950. It covers the central, best-preserved part of the Swietokrzyskie Mountains (The Holy Cross Mountains). The mountains take their name from an old Benedictine Abbey, that is located on the Lysa Mountain. These mountains are, beside the Sudety Mountains, the oldest Polish mountain formations, and are built from Paleozoic rocks. The rich geological history of this area involved successive inundations by sea, transformations of sediments into rocks, and their folding. The main mountain-building movements, the Variscian movements, occurred here some 300 million years ago. In the Quaternary period the Swietokrzyskie Mountains were temporarily covered by glaciers, which formed the boulder fields known in the Polish language as goloborza, on the slopes of the highest peaks in the range.
The present Park area is 5,917 ha, but there are plans to enlarge it to about 7,600 ha. The Park entails the the three mountain ranges, the Lysogory with the highest summits of Lysica (612 m above sea level) and Lysa Gora (Bald Mountain, 595 m above sea level), the eastern part of the Klonowskie Range with the hills Psarska (412 m above sea level) and Miejska (428 m above sea level), and th The Swietokrzyski National Park is one of the few national parks in Poland, which besides its beautiful nature and landscapes, boasts many architectural monuments. Among the most valuable is the complex of the former Benedictine abbey on Lysa Gora, called Swiety Krzyz (Holy Cross). It includes the Baroque-Neo-classical church built in 1781-1789, the Gothic cloister from the l5th century with a fragment from the 12th century, the Romanesque wall, and the Olesnicki Chapel (early l7th century), which contains the Holy Cross relic. Today, the west wing of the monastery houses the Research Laboratory and the Park's Museum. The oldest preserved piece of Polish religious prose from the 13th/l4th century, known as The Swietokrzyskie Sermons, is associated with the monastery. The remnants of the 14th century bishops' castle at Bodzentyn are an interesting example of lay architecture. The rural style of building in the Swietokrzyski region is represented by an old, l9th century farmhouse, preserved in the same village.

The Park

The Park serves a protective, scientific, educational, and recreational role. Protection is either passive (in strict reserves, where any direct interference by man is forbidden), or active (in partial reserves, through man's conscious effort to protect and restore nature). Scientific research is carried out on Park territory. The Park's Museum at Swiety Krzyz, and the historical and nature trails, serve a didactic purpose. Tourists have 26 km of marked trails inviting for exploration.
Nevertheless, the Park environment is threatened mostly by pollution, and the excessive penetration by a local population. The Swietokrzyski National Park is one of the most endangered national parks in Poland. It has already witnessed the disappearance of ca. 25 % of the lichen species, and many species of symbiotic fungi. In recent years fir trees have begun to die out, while many other living organisms have become weaker.
Fortunately, the Park has always had many devotees to its foundation and maintenance, thus hopefully will survive the human assaults. Among those who used their energy and enthusiasm to promote the cause of the Park, one should count on people such as the writer Stefan Zeromski; two great scientists Professors Wladyslaw Szafer and Wlodzimierz Sedlak; the geographer Edmund Massalski - one of the investigators of the Swietokrzyski National Park; Eugeniusz Krysztofik - the first director of the Park; and photographer Jan Siudowski - the author of beautiful pictures of the Park.

Muzeum Henryka Sienkiewicza / Sienkiewiecz-Museum

PL-26067 Oblegorek-Strawczyn (Swietokrzyskie / Heiligkreuz)

Google Maps

Kontakt / Contact:
Fax.: (+48 41) 303 04 26 w. 21

Info Telefon: (+48 41) 303 04 26

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
May - Oct Tues-Sat 10-16 h,
Nov. - April Wed-Sa 10-16 h.

Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
Foto: (c) Ryszard Jedynak 2004 (official pages out of order)

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