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Exhibition Hall of Federal State Archives
B. Pirogovskaya ul., 17
RU- Moskva / Moscow / Moskau
(Zentralrußland / Central Federal District)
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Kontakt / Contact:
Tel.: (495) 245-1925
Info Telefon: (495) 245-8125
Gogol Museum
Nikitskij boulevard, 7/7a
RU- Moskva / Moscow / Moskau
(Zentralrußland / Central Federal District)
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Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Tues 14-20 h, Sat 12-18 h
Gorki Museum
Malaja Nikitskaja, 6/2
RU- Moscow / Moskva / Moskau
(Zentralrußland / Central Federal District)
Google Maps
Info Telefon: (495) 290 05 35
Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Wed, Fri 12-18.30, Thurs, Sat / Sun 10-16.30 h, closed the last Thur each month
Literary Memorial Museum of Fedor Alexandrovich Abramov
RU- Verkola
(Nordwestrußland / Northwestern Federal District)
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Träger/Financial provider:
Archangelsk Regional Museum
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
The Village Verkola in Pinezhskiy region is the home-place of a famous Russian writer Fedor Alexandrovich Abramov (1920- 1983). There he spent his youth, there is worldview was formed, it’s the place where the ideas and characters of his books originated from, and the place where he was buried.
In 1984 his museum was founded. It is now located in the building of the old primary school. This museum tells the story of his life and describes the role his birthplace played in his artistic work.
The museum complex includes his house, which he regularly visited and a beginning-of-XX century manor where there a ethnographic exhibition will soon be located.
Once every four years on the day of his birthday, February 29, in Arkhangelsk and Verkola museums hold Abramov’s Readings , where admirers and researchers of his work from all over Russia and abroad gather.
On the other bank of River Pinega there is the monastery of Saint Artemiy Verkolskiy.
Tourists and pilgrims discover the beauty of Pinezhskiy region, where the man managed to preserve the authentic Russian culture and nature.
You can reach Verkola from Arkhangelsk by first taking train from Arkhangelsk to Karpogory station, and from there – by bus to village Verkola.
The museum keeps a small hotel for 8 beds.
Maiakowskij Muaeum
Lubjanskij pr. 3/6
RU- Moskva / Moscow / Moskau
(Zentralrußland / Central Federal District)
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Info Telefon: (495) 921 93 87
Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Mon, Tues, Fri-Sun 10-18 h, Thurs 13-21 h, closed last Fri each month
Marble Cave (Mramorna Pechera)
Mt. Chatyr-Dah
RU- west of Alushta-Simferopol-road
(Föderationskreis Krim / Crimean Federal District)
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Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
2 km long cave, full of stalagmites and stalactites.
Matrjoschka Museum
Leontjevskij per.7
RU- Moskva / Moscow / Moskau
(Zentralrußland / Central Federal District)
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Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours
Mon-Fri 11-18 h, Sa -17 h
Mezen District Museum of History and Local Lore
Sovjetsky prsp. 46
RU- Mezen
(Nordwestrußland / Northwestern Federal District)
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Info Telefon: (818-48) 9-11-06
Träger/Financial provider:
Archangelsk Regional Museum
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
This museum is created by the students of Mezen secondary school under the guidance of the teacher of history, Melnikov, Alexander Nikolayevich.
In 1980 the town of Mezen celebrated its 200-year anniversary. To celebrate this date, it was decided to create a district museum on the basis of the school museum as a branch of Arkhangelsk regional museum. It is now located in the building of former City Council.
Expositions of the museum:
‘From the history of the district. In two years, in two centuries…’ – history of the district from ancient times to the present day.
‘Mezenka – the northern horse’ – exhibition is devoted to the Mezen breed of horses, which is very well adapted to the conditions of the far north.
Mudyug WW1 Prisoners' Camp
RU- Mudyug
(Nordwestrußland / Northwestern Federal District)
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Info Telefon: (81856) 42394
Träger/Financial provider:
Archangelsk Regional Museum
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
The only surviving camp for prisoners of war from WW I. It is also known as a place of imprisonment of the Red Army soldiers and supporters of the Soviet power. Some buildings and graves of prisoners have survived until now.
The site is temporarily laid up.
Pinega District Museum
RU- Pinega
(Nordwestrußland / Northwestern Federal District)
Google Maps
Info Telefon: (81856) 42394
Träger/Financial provider:
Archangelsk Regional Museum
Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
The district museum in Pinega was originally created as a school museum under the guidance of the teacher of history, Civil War and WW II soldier, Stirmanov Vasiliy Ivanovich. In 1966, by the decision of local council, it was transformed into a branch of Arkhangelsk regional museum.
The museum is located in living quarters of Volodins’ manor built in the end of 19 th century. It was a rich merchant family from this region.
Lifestyle and occupations of Pinega peasants – describes the traditional culture of Pinega villagers.
Town of Pinega . 1780 – 1917. – the history of town of Pinega
The nature of Pinega region
Not far from village of Pinega there is the Pinega sanctuary, famous for its karst caves and rare plants.
Picture: (c) N. Delvin
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