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==> Land/Country="SK"   Bundesland/State="Trenciansky kraj"
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- Nicht alle Länder und Museen sind bereits über Google map anzeigbar.
- Not all countries and all museums can already be shown with Google maps.

==> 7 Einträge gefunden / entries found

Mestké múzeum

SK-1901 Ilava (Trenciansky kraj)

Google Maps

Slovak Museum of Glass

SK-2061 Lednické Rovne (Trenciansky kraj)

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Slovenské sklárske múzeum

SK-2061 Lednické Rovne (Trenciansky kraj)

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M.A. Bazovský Galérie

Mierové nam 16
SK-91100 Trencin (Trenciansky kraj)

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Trencianske múzeum

Mierové nam 46
SK-91100 Trencin (Trenciansky kraj)

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Podjavornské múzeum

nám Slobody 10
SK-91501 Nové Mesto nad Vahom (Trenciansky kraj)

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Museum of Bojnice Castle / Múzeum zámok Bojnice

SK-97201 Bojnice (Trenciansky kraj)

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Sammelschwerpunkte/Main collections
Bojnice Castle is a national cultural monument and is one of the most beautiful heritage buildings in Slovakia. It is one of the oldest and most significant Slovak castles.

The Bojnice Museum, seated in the national cultural monument, Bojnice Castle, is a specialised art-history museum oriented on the documentation of records on the art-history and construction development of Bojnice Castle. In the framework of its profile and specialisation it purposefully acquires, preserves, professionally processes and makes available the old works of art, artistic craftworks and artefacts from the development of new styles in the territory of Slovakia. The rich collection of the Bojnice Museum is presented in the spacious exhibition units at the premises of the castle, and also through interesting exhibitions and a number of cultural tourism products ranking it among the most visited museums in Slovakia.

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